Installation & Usage
To install, run pip install rackup
To use, run rackup
. Additional arguments may be specified. Run rackup --help
for more information.
In a ".rackspace" file in your home folder, specify your Rackspace username and API Key. See the sample file for the proper format.
Configuration options
When you run rackup
, it will look in the current directory for a ".rackup" file that defines the options for syncing. See the sample file for the proper format. This file is optional, though some command line arguments will be required if it is not present.
You may define:
- "region" to set the data center to use; one of 'IAD', 'ORD', 'DFW' or 'SYD'
- "container" to choose which Cloud Files container to sync to; if not present, you must pass this in as the first argument to the command
- "exclude" to specify patterns to not upload
OS X Notification Center
rackup will attempt to alert you via Notification Center when it is completed. To enable this feature, you need pyobjc; run pip install pyobjc
to install.